On 07/10/2019, a visit of professors and researchers from institutions of China and Russia was held at the company’s headquarters in Thessaloniki. The professors were from the following universities: • Volga State University of Technology (Volga tech university) • Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Science (IKI) • Bashkir State Agrarian University (BSAU) • Zhejiang University (ZJU) The visit was part of a research project titled: GIS and Remote Sensing for Sustainable Forestry and Ecology / SUFOGIS (ERASMUS + KA2) coordinated by the Forestry Management and Remote Sensing Laboratory of the Department of Forensic Science. The team of researchers was accompanied by Mr. Ioannis Gitas (AUTH Professor) and Ms. Hara Minakou (MSc, AUTH). During the visit, a tour of the company’s premises and presentation of its activities was made, focusing on Forestry Studies, Remote Sensing Studies and the Company’s research interests in the field of Agriculture and the Environment.