
ICT4GROWTH – 00148 (eleagro)

Advanced prognostic-diagnosis service of “olive AIDS” in Mediterranean olive groves, via satellite and UAV

With the co-financing of Greece and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) – “Digital Convergence” Operational Program – NSRF 2007-2013 – KtP S.A.

The aim was to provide a service for the detection of the Verticillium dahliae fungus in the early stages of infestation in olive groves and the parallel detection of similar problems/stress levels in crops and vegetation. The service is based on specialized remote monitoring applications diagnosis (via satellite and UAV) and observation of spread, implementation of good agricultural practices, and incorporation of benefits of precision agriculture. The objective of the application was the timely identification of the threat and the early adoption of countermeasures to avoid the costly treatment of the fungus in an advanced stage and the inevitable destruction of part of the olive grove.
